Bringing SkillsUSA to Your Campus
SkillsUSA offers the College Campus Affiliation as a membership option for college campuses. Under this program, community colleges, technical colleges and adult programs can affiliate one or more technical training programs, or the entire campus, on one contract with no individual membership dues.
This allows the maximum number of students to participate in all SkillsUSA activities. By having the campus join as a whole, it may be possible for schools to use alternate funding sources for the program, such as student activity fees or Perkins funding (as determined and allowed by state department of education and local school policy). The program philosophy is based on running a SkillsUSA program that benefits all students through the development of leadership and employability skills.
College Campus Affiliation Member Fees and Lists
The Campus Affiliation Fee is an umbrella fee that covers all students in a training program or on campus, up to the maximum at each level. Enrollment lists must be attached to the contract, and the contract must be approved by the SkillsUSA state association director and be signed by both a school administrator and the SkillsUSA advisor. SkillsUSA will accept any school-generated class roll or student list. Student lists must be organized by the training area. All students must be listed and the total number of students must be indicated on the sheet. Students in the training programs are expected to participate in the standards program.
Campus Standards Program Fees:
One professional member is required for every 25 student members and must pay the national dues of $20, plus state dues (total of $28.00).